When was the last time you allowed your heart to truly feel? And I am not talking about warm, fuzzy feelings that end up inspiring Hollywood romances. I am talking about the darkness; the destruction that follows after a heart gets broken and the tendency we have to run away and not confront the pain. The more we run from it, the more it starts eating away at our days, our relationships and our future. We can't escape the things we have not felt. We can't put Band-Aids on wounds that were not allowed to bleed as much as they needed to. So, before you wonder why you cannot move on, why you cannot let go, you need to think of the last time shivers of pain entered and existed your heart's cracks like lava leaving trails of destruction wherever it traveled. Some things need to be burnt to the ground before they can shape-shift into something glorious again.
Don't ask for permission from anyone to fall apart. Just fall. Crumble. It doesn't have to be pretty, but it has to be real. Make it safe enough for you to bring on the flood tonight, because come morning, a warrior will rise with the first rays of sunshine.